Post by - AVargas#[Original on Oct 12, 2014 17:07:23 GMT
Guys, here’s the buggs I told you about. The turrets of toplane and botlane are red, I mean, that is not in the correct position, they need to be looking at their lanes. The turrets of Midlane are green, meaning they are in the correct position, you need not be disturbed. I took the prints Inhibitor of vermlho hand, because I went into this just to test, but it happens in every Inhibitors. The Inhibitors also need to be in correct position, either friend or enemy base. Can you get these little bugs? Hugs! TopLane: TopLane Blue & TopLane RedMidlane: MidLane Blue & MidLane RedBotLane: BotLane Blue & BotLane RedInhibitors: TopLane Inhibitor & MidLane Inhibitor & BotLane InhibitorNote: Be friend or enemy base, the problems presented here, are the same for both. Who does not understand, say “I”. xD